Year 10 Students Lead Primary School Textiles Project

As part of ongoing links between Bridgnorth Endowed and local primary schools, the Creative Arts Department organised an exciting textiles project with St Mary’s Bluecoat Primary School earlier this month.

The idea behind the two-day project was for Year 10 art GCSE students from BES to work alongside pupils at St Mary’s to create a final product for a showcase assembly.

The Year 10s helped the primary school children with basic sewing and joining skills, as they crafted the fabric items that were assigned to their year group.

Hand puppets were made in Years 1 and 2, teddies were lovingly created by Years 3 and 4, and Years 5 and 6 were tasked with making cases for either an iPhone or iPad.

BES art teacher, Mrs Rhodes, said: “Our Year 10 students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and worked hard for the two days, supporting the children as they made finished products they could be very proud of.”

Highlights from the St Mary’s Textiles Project

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