Our specialist team of pastoral staff are fully trained to support pupils with a wide range of social and emotional needs. Some are qualified as Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA), an initiative developed by educational psychologists that addresses children's emotional needs in school.

However, all staff have pastoral responsibilities for the students in their care and, through daily contact, form tutors play a vital role in delivering help, support and advice.

Role Name
Headteacher Mr M Penn
Assistant Headteacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs L Tristham
SENDCO Miss S Gresko
Safeguarding, Attendance & Inclusion Manager / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs J Mitchell
Safeguarding and SEN Administrator Miss A Oliver
Behaviour Manager / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs L Farmer
Inclusion and Support Provision Coordinator Ms S Wedgbury
Inclusion Support Officer (Behaviour) Mrs D Lunnon
Attendance Officer Mrs A Smallman

For further information on pastoral care at Bridgnorth Endowed School, please call 01746 762103 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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ofstead good provider"Pupils enjoy an inclusive and aspirational environment at Bridgnorth Endowed School." – Ofsted, 2023


Founded in 1503, Bridgnorth Endowed School has a rich and long history in education.

Today, it is a vibrant non-selective co-educational secondary school that offers great facilities, high quality teaching and an exciting choice of extra-curricular activities.

The school benefits from a thirty-acre campus and its own on-site leisure centre, with all the convenience of a town centre location.

Bridgnorth Endowed School
Northgate, Bridgnorth
Shropshire, WV16 4ER
Sat Nav Postcode: WV16 4ES

01746 762103

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