The majority of pupils at Bridgnorth Endowed School will flourish and achieve as expected through quality first teaching in the classroom.
However, this is reinforced with extra support for students who need time out from the classroom environment due to disciplinary, safeguarding, emotional or health reasons.
Whether used as a sanction or a support mechanism, some children benefit from additional small group or 1:1 attention to enable them to make the progress required to reach their full potential.
Led by an experienced pastoral team, the school has established a highly effective series of intensive short-term interventions across two venues, each designed to help students get on track.
Students are referred for these interventions by a member of the Senior Leadership Team and the parents or carers are kept informed at all times. Following the referral, the student’s needs are assessed and any issues are raised before a plan is put in place.
The student’s progress is monitored and reviewed fortnightly, after which time the student will either embark on a reintegration programme back into school or they will continue with personalised learning.
Personalised Learning Centre
Sitting within the grounds of the school, the Joseph Barritt Centre is home to the Personalised Learning Centre (PLC), a quiet and comfortable venue where support is given to students who are experiencing a range of difficulties.
This may include pupils with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs and/or Emotionally-Based School Avoidance (EBSA) concerns, in order to help those pupils who are struggling to attend their mainstream lessons.
The centre has a main study area with ICT equipment, two smaller rooms, and a quiet room to help students regulate or just in need of a space to reflect. There is also an office, toilet facilities and a kitchen.
Expectations Room
The Expectations Room (ER) is used for day-to-day referrals that arise from poor behaviour, failure to complete work to a required standard and other issues relating to the expectations of the school.
Students are required to attend the Expectations Room at certain times during the day or in certain instance they are expected to attend full days, in line with the school’s behaviour policy.
The room is fully supervised by a member of the pastoral team at all times and work is completed to ensure that students stay on top of their studies.
For further information on pastoral care at Bridgnorth Endowed School, please call 01746 762103 or email