sendco headshot 2024Bridgnorth Endowed is a mainstream, inclusive school that is committed to supporting all pupils reach their full potential by build confidence, resilience and independence, regardless of their additional learning needs.

Within the classroom setting, we pride ourselves on successfully teaching students with a broad range of barriers to learning through a quality-first teaching approach.

We recognise that some pupils need a short catch-up programme in literacy or numeracy, while others have more complex issues which require a longer-term approach.

Our aim is to continue to support needs identified on enrolment and to take further steps to recognise and address specific needs as they present themselves.

Find out more about our SEND provision by clicking on the tabs below.

Admissions Arrangements for Pupils with SEN or Disabilities

Parents who have children with an Education, Health and Care Plan from Shropshire Council and have named our school as being best able to meet their child’s needs, will be offered a place before other pupils.

All our pupils will be treated according to their needs in line with the school's Equality Information and Objectives Policy. No pupil will be denied admission because of gender, creed, race, physical ability or academic achievement.

We will take all steps possible to provide effective educational provision. Where a pupil has a particular need, the Trustees will ensure that reasonable adjustments are made for that pupil’s need to be fully met.

The Learning Support Team

Whilst special educational needs are the responsibility of all teachers, we are very fortunate to have an experienced team of Teaching Assistants who offer additional support. They work closely with the class teachers to ensure the right level of support is given within the classroom. They are also trained to offer both 1:1 and small group specialist interventions.

Guidance and advice are also provided by the many external agencies that we have formed partnerships with and liaise with on a regular basis. In addtition, contact with parents is very important and pupils are always involved in decisions about their learning. We hold regular meetings with individual parents and provide detailed information about their child’s progress.

SEND Provision

The amount of help varies, depending on the degree of learning support required and, where possible, we offer the following:

  • Small group TA support
  • In-class TA support
  • 1:1 speech and language interventions
  • Bespoke learning programmes
  • IDL on-line Literacy and/or Numeracy interventions
  • Personalised Learning Centre support
  • Access to laptops
  • 1:1 sessions as advised by outside agencies
  • Bespoke timetables to support short-term additional needs
  • Exam access arrangements at KS4
  • Access to additional equipment as advised by outside agencies
  • Access to ELSA (Emotional Literacy) trained staff
  • Access to Reader Pens
  • Supported homework club
  • National Tutoring Programme

The SEND Local Offer

Are you a parent carer of a child or young person who is on SEN support or has an EHCP?

Shropshire's SEND Local Offer has plenty of information, support and resources for parents/carers of children with SEND, including education, EHCPs, health and wellbeing, early help, family support, financial support, transport, things to do, and lots more.

Visit the local offer website

For more information on Learning Support, please call 01746 762103 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

ofstead good provider"Pupils enjoy an inclusive and aspirational environment at Bridgnorth Endowed School." – Ofsted, 2023


Founded in 1503, Bridgnorth Endowed School has a rich and long history in education.

Today, it is a vibrant non-selective co-educational secondary school that offers great facilities, high quality teaching and an exciting choice of extra-curricular activities.

The school benefits from a thirty-acre campus and its own on-site leisure centre, with all the convenience of a town centre location.

Bridgnorth Endowed School
Northgate, Bridgnorth
Shropshire, WV16 4ER
Sat Nav Postcode: WV16 4ES

01746 762103

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