Year 8 Takes a Walk on the Wild Side

Year 8 students in the lorikeet enclosure at the WILD Zoological Park in Bobbington

Adventure was in the air for Year 8 students who went on a school visit to WILD Zoological Park in Bobbington earlier this month.

Organised by the Science Department, the trip gave students the chance to gain some insight into conservation and get up close and personal with lots of different species of animals.

They were able to hold snakes and some sizeable giant cockroaches, and a few students were even lucky enough to help out at feeding time in the lorikeet parrot enclosure.

The group also enjoyed a Wild Wonders Show, which featured various mammals, including an armadillo, and a spectacular Wild Wings Free Flight Bird Show, where the handlers flew some amazing birds over the heads of the audience.

Science teacher and trip organiser, Miss Gresko, said: “The visit was a great success and the students learnt a lot about wildlife conservation through this incredible hands-on experience.”

Some highlights of the trip

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