Year 7 Explores the Value of Democracy

Mr Akhtar leading the Year 7 assembly on democracy

Seeking to engage with Year 7 students on the subject of democracy, Mr Akhtar, Head of Washbrook House, hosted a special assembly in school earlier today.

The central theme of the talk focused on the storming of the US Capitol, which took place on 6th January 2021 and served as a tangible reminder that democracy, and the systems that underpin it, are extremely fragile.

Images and a video of the insurrection were shown to examine the course of events and highlight how some of the perpetrators acted in protest of the presidential election results.

Mr Akhtar went on to explain the way democracy works, with everyone being entitled to a vote on who governs the country, and what to do if you don’t agree with the outcome.

The assembly was well-received by Year 7, who showed great interest in the real-world issue that had swept the media and the importance of upholding democracy.

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