Year 10 RE Students Attend ‘Evil Day’ Conference

Pupils took part in a creative activity to express their responses to the day’s key theme

Year 10 RE students joined pupils from five other secondary schools to learn about key concepts in faith at a special RE event held in Telford on Monday.

The inter-school religious education conference for 12 to 15 year olds, organised by Catalyst Youth Trust, explored the problem of evil from a multi-faith perspective.

Thought-provoking ideas were introduced and debated with the help of Lat Blaylock, facilitator and editor of the national RE Today magazine, and their religious education teachers.

The discussion focused on fundamental themes, such as the definition of evil, how humans can live together for goodness and, ultimately, what conquers evil.

RE teacher, Mr Younis, commented: “Religious education adds an extra dimension to a student’s learning and events like this offer a safe space for them to explore challenging issues.”

“With 82 students from six secondary schools, the conference gave our pupils the opportunity to collaborate with others from different backgrounds and faiths in a meaningful way.”

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