School Council Tackles Environmental Issues

The student voice was in full force at the second School Council Meeting of the academic year, which took place last Tuesday.

The House Captains met with Head Boy and Girl, Harry Jones and Lucy Crump, and Head of Rowley, Mrs Tristham, to discuss a range of suggestions that have emerged from their engagement with tutor groups.

Top of the agenda was inter-house competition and ideas for possible events that could run throughout the year, including various sports matches, a spelling bee and a cook-off.

The team went on to put their heads together about how they could raise funds for next year’s school prom, something they agreed would need organising as a matter of urgency.

However, the main theme of the meeting centred on finding ways to encourage students to take more responsibility for improving their school environment and collectively working towards key priorities, such as keeping the toilets spotless and the school litter free.

This topic then fed seamlessly into the wider environment, specifically recycling, something the students are keen to do more of. Ideally, the group would like to swap the existing school bins with recycling bins and then run a campaign to educate pupils on how to use them correctly.

What’s more, they are eager to reduce the use of plastic bottles in school and spur students on to bring in reusable water bottles that can be refilled at the water fountains located around the site.

Although an ambitious plan, the School Council is making a positive start to inspiring change and an assembly to bring the whole school on board is planned early in the new year.

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