Amelia Makes National TV Appearance

Year 7 pupil, Amelia, interviewed on Sky’s FYI news programme for children last week

In an interview aired on Sky’s FYI news programme for children last Saturday, Amelia Price from Year 7 shared her views on the return to online learning following the UK’s second round of school closures.

Along with other students from across the country, Amelia was invited to have her say about how she felt the current situation was impacting her education and any particular worries or issues she had.

During the segment, she expressed her general concerns that schoolwork was ‘suffering a little bit’, but went on to praise the school, saying it had ‘prepared everything really well.’

This episode was not, however, the first time that Amelia has appeared on the popular kids’ TV show. Since taking part in an item about last year’s floods, she’s been involved in several Sky interviews, covering a wide range of news topics.

Watch Video: FYI feature on the impact of UK school closures

To access the full episode, please visit First News Live →

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