Remote Working Guidance During Closure

Continuity of education through a system of remote learning

The school will be closed to almost all students for an extended period of time. We have designed a system of remote learning that will allow our students to continue with their education during this time. Obviously, whatever we do will not be able to entirely replace learning in a classroom with a teacher and fellow students; however, we will be able to set work, check that it has been completed and provide feedback on assessments.

We are likely to face a number of challenges with the introduction of an entirely new system of learning. Please use the key contacts (see below) to get in touch if you experience any difficulties. We are here to help.

Staff and students are expected to have access to the Internet whilst at home – please let school know if this is not the case so that we can review provision accordingly. The school recognises that many families may not have home printers and we will therefore not require the printing of material, even if some work is expected to be completed by students in exercise books or on paper.

How the system will work

  1. Teachers will set work for students using Class Charts. This is a well-established system that has been used by staff and students for a long time.
  2. Work will be set for each lesson and in line with students’ existing school timetables. This will spread work out during the week and will help students to manage their workload.
  3. Students will be able to submit their work to teachers using Class Charts. Teachers will check work for completion and will provide feedback on key assessments.

What should you do if you experience difficulties?

  1. Students can contact teachers using their school email if they have subject related questions. Teachers are not expected to respond in real-time, however they will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible.
  2. If you have technical issues or trouble logging on to any of the learning platforms, please contact us using the following email:
  3. If you are parent and you are concerned about your child’s learning, please contact us using the following email in the first instance:



  1. Teachers will set work using Class Charts (using the same process as setting homework).
  2. Teachers will set separate work for each lesson on the day that the lesson would appear on students’ normal school timetables.
  3. Teachers will set an appropriate amount of work.
  4. Teachers will ensure that work set for each lesson contains a planned outcome that can be checked.
  5. Teachers will set work that is a balance of structured tasks with a few open-ended tasks.
  6. Teachers will share appropriate success criteria for open-ended and assessed tasks
  7. Teachers will set a range of work.
  8. Teachers will set work that is a balance of online learning and written work.
  9. Teachers will check work submitted by students for completion.
  10. Teachers will use Class Charts to monitor work completion, in the same way this is currently done for homework.
  11. Teachers will not provide detailed written feedback on every piece of work submitted.
  12. Teachers will provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning through assessed work in the same way that this is performed in the classroom.
  13. Teachers will set an appropriate amount of assessed tasks (typically every 6-8 lessons).
  14. Teachers will provide written feedback on assessed work, referring to appropriate success criteria.
  15. Teachers will endeavour to answer appropriate subject related questions by email.


  1. Students must log into Class Charts and complete the work set by their teachers.
  2. Students must submit their work directly to teachers through Class Charts.
  3. Students must endeavour to make use of feedback provided by teachers.
  4. Students must use their school email to ask appropriate subject related questions.


  1. Please support students by maintaining an environment that will allow them to continue with their education at home.
  2. Please insist that students complete the work being set and use Class Charts to monitor completion of work.
  3. Please let us know if you have any concerns about your child’s learning.
  4. Please let us know if you experience any technical issues.
  5. Please be patient as we launch a new system of remote learning.

We will be providing students with user guides by email to explain how they can access our various learning platforms and how they should submit their work using Class Charts. We will also make these guides available on the school’s website through BES Portal.

We face difficult times ahead, however I am confident that students will be able to continue with their education at home through this system of remote learning. We will keep the system under constant review, and I am keen to continue exploring the possibility of using technology to offer real-time teaching remotely.

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