Learning Resources Section Launched on School Website

Today marks the first day of UK school closures in response to the coronavirus pandemic and although most of our classrooms have fallen silent, learning continues in earnest at Bridgnorth Endowed School.

Educating students remains a top priority and, as part of the school’s remote learning strategy, a new ‘Learning Resources’ web section has been set up to signpost essential online platforms and other useful information.

Teachers are able to set work, together with comprehensive instructions and any relevant support material. There is private online space that enables students to submit their completed work for checking and feedback from teachers

Pupils from all year groups can develop their skills and knowledge across a wide range of topics using software that is packed with printable worksheets, videos, quizzes, online assessments and short tests.

An enhanced digital library offers students unlimited access to as many books as they wish and, with Britannica School, they have a citable, online encyclopaedia at their fingertips.

How-to guides are available for download and full support is provided with a list of key contacts for students to get in touch with staff whenever they need to.

The aim is to press ahead with further improvements to the section and teachers will continue to evaluate additional resources that may be beneficial to student learning.

To help maintain an effective school community, students and parents are urged to visit the school website for the latest updates on a regular basis.

Visit the Learning Resources Section

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