Elevate Workshops to Boost Exam Confidence

In support of Year 10 and 11 students facing mocks and GCSE exams over the summer, Bridgnorth Endowed booked the UK’s largest provider of study skills seminars, Elevate Education, to run a number of powerful workshops in school.

Year 11s started with a session on time management, which focused on producing an effective revision timetable, carving out strategies to beat procrastination, forming a productive study group, and learning how to stand out.

The second of the two sessions, called ‘Ace Your Exams’, included useful strategies to fine-tune revision timetables, identify gaps in knowledge, and ways to address these.

Year 10 students also had the benefit of working with Elevate to improve their performance in exams and took part in a ‘Student Elevation’ session that focused on the goal-setting and belief strategies used by successful people.

Session two was ‘Study Sensei’ – a practical presentation covering study skills strategies such as effective note-taking, mind-mapping, review techniques and practise tasks.

These short, sharp 60-minute presentations were all delivered by young, engaging presenters who have recently faced and aced school themselves so the students were able to fully relate to them. 

Deputy Headteacher, Mr Street, comments: “The Elevate presentations were engaging, informative and extremely helpful. Pupils were given lots of really sound advice and strategies, highlighting what successful students do and how to do it. “

“I know that Year 11 found the advice both reassuring and supportive, and we are looking forward to supporting Year 10 in making best use of these strategies as they continue to work towards their exams next year.”

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