Bridgnorth Endowed honoured those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country at a touching Armistice Remembrance event held in school this morning. Led by Headteacher, Mr Penn, the ceremony was attended by the whole school, and included readings from Head Girl, Martha Harford, and Head Boy, Nathan Ford. The assembled crowd then listened to …
Tag: remembrance day
Pupils Fall Silent for Remembrance
Friday’s Armistice Day was observed by the school, as normal daily activity was halted to remember the fallen from the two world wars and other conflicts. The commemorative event took place in the school grounds and the mild autumn day provided a beautiful backdrop to the morning’s special proceedings. Headteacher, Mr Penn, led the proceedings, …
Pupils Gather to Remember the Fallen
Bridgnorth Endowed honoured those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country at a touching Armistice Remembrance event held in school on Thursday morning. Led by Year 11 students, Ollie Fowler and James Pennington, the ceremony was attended by dozens of pupils and staff, including uniformed representatives from the Cadets, Guides and Scouts. Ahead of …