Some pupils we serve are from non-religious backgrounds and may not explore the beliefs of others at home. Throughout their lives pupils will encounter people of different beliefs and cultures and therefore need to understand and empathise with the beliefs and practices of people from different religious backgrounds.
Therefore, we want to enable students to explain the key symbols, places of worship, holy books and practices of key world religions. We will help them to understand religious beliefs in the modern world and know how to be model citizens in promoting tolerance of others.
We will help them to know the importance of religious role models and significant individuals and to compare the beliefs of different religions and non-religious world views.
They need to understand broader religious concepts such as belief, freedom and rituals, festivals and celebrations and make comparisions between religions and to understand how religions have evolved over time.
Five out of every six people in the world today are religious. Religion shapes politics, art, culture, law, economics and international relations. Lack of religious literacy can lead to intolerance, hatred, sectarianism, racism, conflict and war.
We believe that providing the opportunity for our students to study and share their ideas about our local and international faith communities and to reflect on what it means to be a person of faith in the 21st century is key to the development of religious literacy.
The RE Department aims to inspire students with an appreciation of RE and its importance, using a variety of learning strategies. We want to instill a curiosity about faith, that will become a life-long love of the subject. We aim to ensure that RE provides students with a coherent knowledge of Britain’s multi-faith society. Through the study of RE students will learn more about the society we live in. We will enable them to explore the diversity of society and their own identity.
Five Year Course Plan
Topics in Detail
Year 7
The learning outcomes for RE in Year 7 can be found here
Year 8
The learning outcomes for RE in Year 8 can be found here
Year 9
The learning outcomes for RE in Year 9 can be found here
Year 10
The learning outcomes for RE in Year 10 can be found here
Year 11
The learning outcomes for RE in Year 11 can be found here
For further information on our religious education curriculum, please call 01746 762103 or email
The school’s RE syllabus has been constructed to be relevant to all pupils and to respect their own personal beliefs. We have published the learning intentions and curriculum coverage here so that parents have the opportunity to look closely at what is being taught and, should there be any particular concerns, we would encourage you to contact the school to discuss this in the first instance. Parents and carers do have the right to withdraw children from the RE curriculum and requests should be made clear, in writing, whether it is from the whole of the subject or specific parts of it.