Purpose of Governance
The purpose of governance in a multi academy trust (MAT) is to provide:
- Strategic leadership: the board of trustees defines the trust vision for high quality and inclusive education in line with its charitable objects. It establishes and fosters the trust’s culture and sets and champions the trust strategy including determining what, if any, governance functions are delegated to the local tier
- Accountability and assurance: the board of trustees has robust effective oversight of the operations and performance of the academy trust, including the provision of education, pupil welfare, overseeing and ensuring appropriate use of funding and effective financial performance and keeping their estate safe and well maintained
- Engagement: the board of trustees has strategic oversight of relationships with stakeholders The board of trustees involves parents, schools and communities so that decision-making is supported by meaningful engagement.”
The Role of Local Governing Bodies
In schools within a MAT, it is the local governing body, which is responsible for scrutiny of decisions made in school, for driving improvement, and the processes and policies, which allows the school to work effectively and appropriately.
Within the 3-18 Education Trust (Trust), responsibility for the governance of each school, ultimately, is with Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees has delegated certain responsibilities to each school’s Local Governing Body (LGB). LGBs are authorised to monitor and/or investigate any activity within its terms of reference or specifically delegated to it by the Board of Trustees. Each school in the Trust is accountable to and must serve its community. All pupils of the Trust deserve and should expect to receive a high standard of education. Whilst the Board of Trustees have overall responsibility and ultimate decision-making authority for all the work of the Trust, and the standards achieved by the pupils of the schools, LGBs have been set up to ensure the vision of the Trust is fulfilled and a high standard of education is provided. The LGB is focused on the day to day life of the school for which it has governance responsibility and is there to ensure the staff working in the schools are supported and challenged, when necessary, and the needs of the pupils are met with a particular focus on the context of each school.
The role of those serving on the LGB is an important one, fulfilling the Trust’s mission and providing feedback to the Board of Trustees. Those serving on the LGB must act independently and in the best interest of the school and the Trust, whilst recognising that the school is part of a family of schools run by the Trust each with collective responsibility. Local Governors will act as ambassadors of the school and the Trust and must be able to demonstrate an understanding of the ethos and values of the Trust and a commitment to fulfilling the Trust’s mission and objectives for the school, using their skills and experience and drawing on specialist skills where required.
The delegation of responsibilities to LGBs is set out in a document called the Governance Scheme of Delegation and can be found here
In summary, the role of the LGB is to:
- provide advice to the Board of Trustees on the functioning of the school;
- act as a key link between the Board of Trustees, parents and the school community;
- act as a sounding board for the Headteacher and offer challenging but positive support to the Headteacher;
- continually review the overall impact of the school; and
- assist with and review the implementation of certain school policies, such as student admissions and behaviour.
Useful Links
All involved in governance in the Trust sign a Governance Code of Conduct which sets out the expectations of and commitment required.
A copy of the Governance Code of Conduct can be found here
There is also a role description for Local Governors.
A copy can be found here
Contact Information
The Chair of the Local Governing Body is Mr Mark Freathy and he can be contacted, either through
The Governance Professional for the Trust is Ms Carole Warner who can be contacted by email at