At Bridgnorth Endowed School, we promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme.
PSHE education is the curriculum subject that gives young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential. A large part of this programme is Relationship, Sex and Health education (RSHE).
All pupils are timetabled to have one hour per week where they are taught PSHE topics (including RSHE) by their form tutor.
The PSHE curriculum has been carefully designed to meet the statutory requirements for relationship, sex and health education. To read and review our policy on RSHE, which includes details on parents' right to withdraw, please click here
In addition to the PSHE curriculum, pupils are regularly exposed to and given the opportunity to discuss relevant relationships, sex and health issues through our tutor time and house assembly programme.
Five Year Course Plan
Topics in Detail
Year 7
The learning outcomes for PSHE in Year 7 can be found here
Year 8
The learning outcomes for PSHE in Year 8 can be found here
Year 9
The learning outcomes for PSHE in Year 9 can be found here
Year 10
The learning outcomes for PSHE in Year 10 can be found here
Year 11
The learning outcomes for PSHE in Year 11 can be found here
For further information on our personal development curriculum, please call 01746 762103 or email